A Great Opportunity | A Proud Tradition

Why Attend Boys State

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The best teacher is often experience. Learning leadership in the classroom is often too theoretical. Boys State is a practical opportunity to learn leadership skills through role play civic exercise.

    The best teacher is often experience. Learning leadership in the classroom is often too theoretical. Boys State is a practical opportunity to learn leadership skills through role play civic exercise.

  • What are the dates of the 2025 session? The 2025 session of Kansas Boys State will be June 1-7, 2025 at Kansas State University in Manhattan

    What are the dates of the 2025 session? The 2025 session of Kansas Boys State will be June 1-7, 2025 at Kansas State University in Manhattan

I am a...


School Representative

One week of your summer can...

  • Distinguish you in the competition for college admissions, scholarships, and military academy appointments.
  • Expand your leadership, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills that will help you throughout life
  • Introduce you to some of the most motivated high school students in Kansas that are involved in everything from sports to fine arts, and large schools to small schools.
  • Establish lifelong friendships.

When you attend the American Legion Boys State of Kansas

Did you know we offer college credit for boys state participation?

Contact us for further details!

(785) 550-6492